How to Install WhatsApp

Install WhatsApp

Everyone knows how important it is to be in contact with people.It doesn’t matter if you are a university student and want to invite a big group of friends out for your birthday party or if you have a business and need to contact many providers to ask them for products for your business without spending a fortune on expensive SMS messages.

That is just a small part of what makes Whatsapp the most downloaded application in a lot of countries, with over half a billion users worldwide.

The free messaging that it offers makes it a must have application in every smartphone these days.It is a perfect application if you want to share pictures or videos with your friends, and you can even do group chats.

You might be surprised to learn that Whatsapp is completely free for the first year of unlimited messages, multimedia and voice calling, and after that it’s just $1 a year, a small price to pay for a fantastic, unlimited messaging service with no annoying advisements at all. In just a few years, the instant messenger application WhatsApp has become the worldwide leader for this type of app, being the most widely used messaging service in the world. It provides a simple and affordable way to keep in touch with even the most far away friends and family.

Whereas your cellular carrier might charge huge fees to make international calls or send messages internationally, if has the capability at all, WhatsApp allows you to do these things for free, with no limits on how many messages you can send.

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